Dive into the captivating world of Durban's own Tanner Wareham, a prodigal prodigy inspired by legends like Hendrix and Marley. Experience the magic of his live performances and embrace the happy vibes he brings to every stage.


Tanner Wareham is a singer/songwriter from Durban, South Africa and one of the most technically gifted loop artists around. He has become one of the most sought after entertainers locally due to his ability to create the feel of a full band live as one man using loops and multiple instruments. He has the unique ability to perform any genre, create fresh upbeat versions of any cover, sing in multiple languages and has a diverse quota of original music which allows to him to entertain crowds of any age, interest and culture. His music is foremost upbeat and feel good and stems from influences including reggae, funk, African pop and dance to name a few. He has made a name for himself channeling the spirit and feel of his home country South Africa, an example is his ever popular song Hakuna Matata - a patriotic celebration of his home and Africa as a whole, this has seen him become a go to for South Africans and others at home and abroad as he travels locally and internationally performing for a host of private clients, corporate entities and at public spectacles including concerts, festivals, cultural rallies, television and sporting events. His most popular requests from fans can be found in his album "At Your Request". He has also released 9 original songs which exhibit the styles of dance, South African folk pop, funk and rock.


Tanner Wareham is a singer/songwriter from Durban, South Africa and one of the most technically gifted loop artists around. He has become one of the most sought after entertainers locally due to his ability to create the feel of a full band live as one man using loops and multiple instruments. He has the unique ability to perform any genre, create fresh upbeat versions of any cover, sing in multiple languages and has a diverse quota of original music which allows to him to entertain crowds of any age, interest and culture. His music is foremost upbeat and feel good and stems from influences including reggae, funk, African pop and dance to name a few. He has made a name for himself channeling the spirit and feel of his home country South Africa, an example is his ever popular song Hakuna Matata - a patriotic celebration of his home and Africa as a whole, this has seen him become a go to for South Africans and others at home and abroad as he travels locally and internationally performing for a host of private clients, corporate entities and at public spectacles including concerts, festivals, cultural rallies, television and sporting events. His most popular requests from fans can be found in his album "At Your Request". He has also released 9 original songs which exhibit the styles of dance, South African folk pop, funk and rock.



Prodigal prodigy and neighbourhood good-guy, Tanner Wareham is a Durban oke who is partial to the blue sea, a sing-a-long song, and a cold beer.

Tanner’s story began where the ocean meets the sand. At age five he was kicking into rock n roll piano and, soon after, the lad was strumming a guitar; enthused by the work of seminal artists including Jimi Hendrix and Elvis Presley. Drawing influence from the likes of Mendelssohn and Beethoven, ol’ Tan dreamt of being a great classical pianist.

Down the road, our friend Tanner became an inspired member of party indie-rock band Dum Chang, based out of Stellenbosch University, playing keys and electric guitar, offering occasional backing vocals. (Sweet band – check ’em out!)

After uni, Dum Chang disbanded and Tanner dabbled casually in Chemical Engineering (bright boy he is) but was drawn back into the rolling rhythms and mystical melodies of his first love and mother-tongue: the music. This lad was never a singer so his voice must be a gift from God or something because he singin’ goood now, baby. Yo!

Tanner is a live loop artist – a veritable one-man-band – and is known around town for a pub-hall jol, a wedding blessing, and a festival stomp. His tunes bear myriad influences, especially Bob Marley and the Red Hot Chili Peppers. He might even tell you about the time he met Jesus Christ down the barrel of a John Frusciante guitar solo.

That’s the story so far, folks. Keep your ear to the grind-stone for act two.

And have a happy day. Tan would want it that way.


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